Teagan Taafe
25 April 2019
Emotions are a natural part of our daily lives. They can: come in huge tidal waves, come at irregular times, change in the blink of an eye, or be worn on one’s sleeve (in a figurative sense of course). It is important to recognize that we all express our emotions differently; we can find ways to correlate our emotions for better relationships.
Open Line
One of the biggest things that has helped Justice and I in our relationship is having an open line of communication about our emotions and how we express them. This has enabled us to feel more comfortable when dealing with one another's emotions and has been one of the best ways to prevent arguments from coming up.
Working Together
After recognizing how your partner expresses their emotions, the next step is to work together to find solutions to future problems caused by emotions. Just as some of us express emotions differently, we also deal with them in different ways. I recognize that many times I need to walk away from a hyper-emotional situation for a short time and come back to it later. Justice, on the other hand, often just needs to feel loved and connected to me. Knowing what she needs during the tough times helps us find an emotional balance and a solution to the problem.
Communicating The ‘What’
Communicating what you are feeling is vital to solving problems in emotional situations. If your partner cannot recognize what you are feeling, it becomes hard for them to relate their emotions to yours and help you get through them.
Communicating The ‘Why’
Communicating why you feel emotional is just as essential to emotional problem-solving, especially if the emotion was triggered by your partner in some way. Your partner needs to know why you are feeling differently so that you both may confront and solve the problem in whichever way you both decide.
Using the plan you put together with your partner, deal with the emotional situation accordingly. One person must not confront each emotion on their own. We all need somebody to lean on for help and guidance when we feel overwhelmed.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not attack your partner with emotions. It is alright to feel your emotions strongly, and it is healthy to confront those strong emotions rather than allowing them to fester inside you. Attacking your partner just because you feel attacked by your emotions is something that will only make a problem worse. Your partner may become defensive, which makes it harder for both of you to connect when you need each other the most.
Knowing how you and your partner express emotions is one of the best ways to prevent future fights, especially ones that escalate quickly. Open communication about these feelings regularly helps you feel more connected with your partner because you know where they stand and why. It is important to forgive your partner and tell them that they are loved.
The opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Infuse Student Media or Southwest Baptist University.