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News | What's Going On in the World?

By Breanna Prater

June 26, 2018

This morning the Supreme Court upheld President Donald Trump’s travel ban on immigrants from mostly muslim nations with a 5-4 ruling. The New York Times wrote that the Supreme Court's decision robustly endorsed the President's ability “to control the flow of immigration into America at a time of political upheaval about the treatment of migrants at the Mexican border.” The Trump administration is heralding this ruling as a tremendous victory. (Photo cred, the NYT).

Earlier this year NPR reported that individuals with disabilities are sexually assaulted at seven times the normal rate, and now states are doing something about it. Massachusetts proposed a law that would require the registration of all abusive caregivers, even if the case isn't prosecuted, and in the US Congress, The Care Act was introduced. NPR reports that “would guarantee the continuation of existing federal funding to address the sexual assault of women with intellectual disabilities.” (Photo cred, NPR).

President Trump lashes out on one of his favorite American manufacturers Tuesday morning after Harley Davidson released plans to move some of its manufacturing abroad. The Wisconsin-based company announced that it would move some of its manufacturing abroad “in response to stiff retaliatory tariffs that the European Union imposed in response to Mr. Trump’s trade measures.” The New York Times reports that President Trump threatened Harley Davidson in a series of tweets claiming that the company would lose its “aura” if it moved manufacturing overseas. (photo cred, the NYT).


The opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Infuse Student Media or Southwest Baptist University.

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